
Tuesday 12 April 2011


I recently did a photo shoot with Yvette Bessels here in Warwick; the first shoot I've done since last September and actually my first outdoors shoot, ever! I was heavily inspired by science fiction and my favourite animes. 
The styling was relatively easy for this one, as much of the items are directly from my everyday wardrobe. I don't always put them together in such an overt way, but I still felt pretty comfortable walking around the uni campus in them... really, this is just another extension of how I often dress! But more on that another time.
Makeup was a collaboration between myself and Yvette.


  1. Love these photos - your eyes look so intense. I also like how the style is not OBVIOUSLY anime, but just enough to be unique.

  2. I literally only just saw this - I need to get used to having the new blog!
    Thanks so much :) When I spoke with the photographer about it, we really didn't want it to be cheesy-KAWAII style anime - which I do love, but we were going for a more believable, apocalyptic look. I was pleasantly surprised with how well it worked!

  3. You look so stunning is these! I had seen a few on fb or lj of course, but this is great. I would love a rundown of your outfits(that shrug(?) especially), if you'll share your seekrits.

    I wish I could shoot you again, I've had so much more time working with my camera and doing fashion type shoots since last time. Well, maybe next time I'm across the pound we can meet up.

  4. P.S. picture #1 is going in my inspiration folder.

  5. Hey sweetie, thanks! The outfits are mainly made up of stuff in my regular wardrobe... just from the UK high street or charity shops. The first pair of boots are River Island. The shrug is from Psylo in Camden - their stuff is great, sort of post-apocalyptic cyber tribal wear.

    The second outfit, the leather skirt belongs to the photographer and she made it herself; the big boots are Swears; the gloves and belt (worn across body) are Plastik Wrap.

    I'd love to shoot with you again! Definitely get in touch if you ever come over - you're welcome to stay with us here in Leamington too. :)
